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Sunday, November 25, 2007

I need a NaNoWriMo for photography

There are NaNoWriMo posts all over the blogosphere as the shoestring writers of the world work on their novels. (It's National Novel Writing Month). I need a NaNoWriMo for photography. I need some sort of challenge - a deadline. A goal.

I registered for the Intro to B/W Photography class at the college I teach at. (We can take courses for free, and I've decided to try and complete the photography certificate). It starts in January. I'm also taking meteorology. I'd like to do some weather photography. I suppose I'll have homework and deadlines soon enough! It's a film photography class with a darkroom component. I'm looking forward to really absorbing the truths of exposure.

I think I'm getting a digiscope and the SLR camera adapter for Christmas, which will give me new ways to get out and take pictures of birds. I hear that some owls hang out around here through the winter. I've never seen an owl in the wild, so that's one of my winter photography goals (to get a photo of an owl). I can't wait for the spring migration to see what kinds of birds I find!

Winter weather really zaps my motivation to get outside and shoot. :-/

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